Christmas 2022

“For a child is born to us,
a son is given us;
upon His shoulder dominion rests.
They name Him Wonder-Counselor, God-Hero, Father-Forever,
Prince of Peace.” Is 9:5

“This is the message: God does not rise up in grandeur,
but lowers Himself into littleness.
Littleness is the path that He chose to draw near to us,
to touch our hearts, to save us
and to bring us back to what really matters.” 
Pope Francis, Christmas 2021

Despite many unresolved challenges and problems,
despite the darkness and hopelessness of the life of some people,
despite the struggle to survive, we again celebrate Christmas.

The message from Bethlehem can let us breathe a sigh of relief:
a child as the Prince of Peace.

Peace, which we and the world needs so much,
which we long for, which we cannot achieve.
However, it can be given to us if we open ourselves to God, people,
and the message of Christmas, and thus it becomes a reality. 

For this Christmas, we, the General Leadership, wish you to experience hope in everyday life.
Let us be attentive to the small signs, and try to understand the people who walk with us.
Let us strengthen one another so that we can be close to people with confidence and joy.

Our loving and life-giving God enables us through and in the mystery of Christmas
to obtain peace in our hearts, in our communities, and in the world.

We wish you God’s blessing in the New Year 2023,
good health and confidence  
that God is with us always.