Sister M. Jácinta Tóth

“It is good to lean on the Heart of Jesus!”

With a sorrow heart, yet accepting God’s will, we let you know that
the Lord called to Himself

Sister M. Jácinta Tóth

On June 16, 2023, at the age of 93 and 62nd year of her profession
in Nagyboldogasszony House, in  Piliscsaba.

Sister Jácinta was born in Jászárokszállás, Hungary.
From her early years she received from her parents
a good Christian education and example
and the desire to lovingly serve God and people grew in her.

In 1947, after her graduation, she asked to enter our Congregation.
Until 1950, she was a postulant in our religious community.

In1951, when the Order was dismissed,
she worked for 34 years in MÁV (Hungarian State Railways).
She also volunteered in her village and visited the sick and the elderly with great love,
attention, and care. She was also a tireless helper in the parish,
especially during her vacations and free time. In 1966, she made her final profession.  
In 1985, she retired from work. Later, she studied the Theology.
Then, she taught in the church and later in the school.
She also worked in the parish office in Jászárokszállás and helped in pastoral work.  
In 1998, she was transferred to the Provincial House, in Budapest,
where as a Provincial councilor supported the Provincial Superior in administrative office and as a treasurer.

In 2002, she was transferred to Collegium Iosephinum in Piliscsaba.
Sister Jácinta was entrusted with the education of young people by the Provincial Superior.
She took care of young people with her presence and motherly care.
Many students turned to her with an open heart in their spiritual and other needs, asking her for prayers.  

As an elderly Sister, in 2014, she moved to Nagyboldogasszony House in Piliscsaba.
She was active in a new community of Sisters and helped the aged and the sick Sisters.

She was the moderator and helper of the Associates.
She was actively involved in the organization of common meetings
and maintained a contact with all members.

May she rest in peace.