Sister M. Elisabeth Schermann

This saying is trustworthy: If we have died with Him we shall also live with HIM.
2 Tim 2:11

On Sunday, when the Church proclaims the death of the LORD
and professes His Resurrection until HE comes again,

Sister Maria Elisabeth
Aurelia Schermann

Stepped forward to meet our LORD and Redeemer.

She passed away on October 9, 2022 in the Provincial House in Eisenstadt,
at the age of 93 and her 70th year of her religious profession.

Sister Elisabeth was a teacher first in the Cloister School in Neusiedl am See and
then, until her retirement, she taught in Theresianum, in Eisenstadt.
She contributed significantly to build and develop this school institute.
She conveyed the English language to entire generations of students
in her attractive way and encouraged them to live Christian values. 
Her respectful approach to people will be gratefully remembered forever.

For a certain time, she was a Superior in Theresianum. She was
a prudent and understanding Superior.

We are grateful to our Sister Elisabeth for her faithful life
in the footsteps and Spirit of Jesus Christ.