Sister M. Eustela Bujňáková

“St. Joseph, help us live innocently;
protect us to be safe in every hour.“

In the spirit of Christian hope for resurrection we let you know that  

Sister M. Eustela – Filomena Bujňáková
Surrendered her life to her Creator on November 30, 2022
in the age of 91 and 69th of her religious profession.

Sister M. Eustela was born on February 15, 1932 in Torysa, district Sabinov.
She was the youngest in the family of parents Anna and Martin Bujňák.

After graduation from school, in 1948, at the age of 16, she entered the convent in Spišská Nová Ves.
After a few days, she was sent to help in the hospital in Prešov, pediatric department.
There she attended high school.

In 1950, she was admitted to the Novitiate, in Spišská Nová Ves.
She made her first profession on December 8, 1953, in Bardejov.
In the challenging period of totalitarian internment, she made her final profession
on December 8, 1960, in Podolinec.     

Living in a concentration camp in Podolinec, she had to work on state property in Toporec,
where she did various jobs in agriculture. Because she did not succumb
to the pressure of the power of the government to leave for civilian life,
she was moved to the Institutions for mentally and physically ill in Veľký Blh (1961-1964) and Straník.
At the time of temporary state freedom, in 1969, she attended catechetical classes in Kláštor pod Znievom
and then she taught Religion in Zástranie for one year.  In 1971,
her apostolate became the Institution for mentally and physically ill in Spišský Štvrtok.
Due to her poor health, she was granted a disability pension, so in 1974,
she was transformed to the community in Hronský Beňadik.
In 1988, she was transferred to the newly built Charitas Home in Vrícko.
She involved herself in community work as much as her strength allowed her.
She did sacristan work with love. In 1993, the next place of her service,
prayers and sacrifices became the newly built St. Joseph’s Convent in Raslavice.
In 2016, she returned to Vrícko, from where her Lord called her to Himself.  

We recommend the soul of our deceased Sister
to the prayers of the Sisters and the believing people of God.