
Together On The Way With Associates In The Footsteps Of Blessed Alphonse Marie

Nowadays the contribution of lay people in the life of the Church is necessary. Many lay people would like to participate in the spiritual treasure of our Congregation. Being aware that it is currently growing movement in the Church, our General Chapter in 1993, accepted as a call of the Holy Spirit and spoke in favor of opening our Congregation to the laity.

The General Chapter in 1993, recommended to the Provinces to consider concrete forms for associates. In the Hungarian Province, the preparation was already done in 1993. On December 8, 1994, the first members entered with an official name, “Spiritual Community of the Redeemer”. In the Slovak Province, the first members entered on October 25, 1997, with a title “Spiritual Family” and in the American Province, on January 12, 2003, under the name “Associates”.

Through the years the number of members grew. On December 31, 2020, the Hungarian Province had 22 members, the Slovak Province 555 members and the American Region 32 members. Our Associates try, in the spirit of the charism of Blessed Alphonse Marie Eppinger, to answer today’s world by their Christian lives. They contribute specially and irreplaceable to the good of the Church. They are the sign of hope and love for the world. The members strive for the Christian spirit that penetrates, both their families and their work place. They visit the sick, elderly, and lonely both in their homes and hospitals and help in their parishes. They live according to the statutes and, as a sign of the fellowship, they wear a small cross. Monthly meetings have a solid spiritual program. There is an opportunity to attend retreat, yearly, and other spiritual help is also offered.  

St. John Paul II, in the Post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation, Vita Consecrata, point 54, writes, Today, often as a result of new situations, many Institutes have come to the conclusion that their charism can be shared with the laity. The laity are therefore invited to share more intensely in the spirituality and mission of these Institutes.” The statement that we listen to the challenges of the Church makes us happy and gives us confidence.

Here are the list of places to become an Associate Member of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Divine Redeemer:


The Associates in Elizabeth,
USA (men & women)
Divine Redeemer Motherhouse 
999 Rock Run Road
Elizabeth , PA 15037
Phone: 412- 751- 8600/8601 

Group: Elizabeth  


Slovakia (only women)
Slovenská provincia SDR
Zimná 66
SK-052 01 Spišská Nová Ves
Phone: +421 53 44 11 934
13 groups: Bratislava, Košice, Levoča, Nesvady,
Raslavice, Rohov, Snina, Spišská Nová Ves, Spišské
Vlachy, Straník, Topoľčany, Vrícko, Umaň (Ukraine)


Hungary (only women)
SZENT ANNA HÁZ (Provincial House)
Horánszky u. 17
H-1085 Budapest
Phone: +36 06-1/3384782
Groups: Budapest, Piliscsaba