Vocation Promotion and Pastoral Care of Youth


“But now, thus says the Lord, who created you, and formed you; I have called you by name: you are mine.”
(Is 43:1)

 We are convinced that every period of history is God’s period. We trust that the Holy Spirit works, also, in our society. We firmly believe in the timeliness of our charism. Even in our modern time exist concrete opportunities and places for the proclamation of the Gospel and an invitation for others to share our lives.



Today, we are, also, called to work with youth. Young people's sense of autonomy and freedom, together with the discernment for authentic relationships, should be a great challenge for us. Our primary goal is to accompany young people and help them to understand and experience how they can find in their life an authentic freedom, which is inherent in the human person. This requires an opening for the relationship both for one's own story as it is, as well as for others, for the world and for God. On this basis, the offer and the support in discernment for vocation can be built.                                                                                                                                                      

Pastoral care for young people and vocations begins with a clear and valid proclamation, matures in an offer from our Congregation and is finally accompanied by a careful discernment that the person respects.

Our Sisters work in our own institutions among young people. They try to combine youth pastoral care with vocation promotion, in openness to the various church events. They feel called to go to the young generation with a clear and realism offer.

We are called to move on towards an authentic sisterly life, bearing in mind our identity as the Sisters of the Divine Redeemer. We are called to give testimony of it and at the same time to become calling ones.