
Mission / Apostolate

We are aware that all of us are in the service of the mission which Christ, the Redeemer, entrusted to His Church. Our specific mission is to proclaim the Good News of the Gospel  to all and in this way to cooperate in the work of the Redemption and to be a prophetic sign to the world. Our Congregation is dedicated above all to the pastoral, pedagogical, social, and charitable works. In the spirit of our Foundress, Blessed Alphonse Marie, Elizabeth Eppinger, we desire to respect the life, which is disregarded. We respect the dignity of the human person, created in the image of God and redeemed by Jesus Christ.

In our educational work, we endeavor to form children and young people in the spirit of the Gospel into good Christians and active citizens by assisting them in developing their spiritual, mental, and physical gifts.

We commit ourselves to peace, reconciliation, and justice; to appreciate all people without distinction of nationality, religion, gender, age, or social status; and to the preservation of creation by the careful and responsible use of all the gifts entrusted to us. Our concerns of great priority are the poor, the sick, the elderly, the oppressed, the marginalized, the abandoned children and families, the handicapped, and young people who lack direction.

Prayer is the source of our apostolic mission. Each Sister of the Divine Redeemer fulfills her mission until death by accepting the difficulties of age, sickness, and the prayer apostolate.